Time to say good-bye
I am not good at saying good byes. I have done it once before and I deleted my blog because I was ashamed of what I wrote in it. I am not ashamed of my blog. It has been an excellent outlet for me to express myself, my fears and depressed thought. I have met many interesting and nice people. I have made many friendships that I never would have with my blog. I hope to keep them going through e-mail. Writing has been theraputic. When I started my blog I was depressed and uncertain as to who I was. B'h all this has changed with my blessing that I find in my finace. Frankly I dont have much time to blog. I am busy with college, yeshiva, and my fiance. I now have someone I can talk long hours into the night with instead of reading someone elses words in cyberspace. The relationship that I had with my blog was taken over by my fiance. I no longer need to cry at night to my blog. I have my fiance. For all my loyal readers and anyone who has gained anything by my blog I thank you for your loyal readership and comments. You have enhanced my life immensly. I will leave my blog up for anyone who would like to read it and I hope you will find something useful.