Monday, January 30, 2006


Hello all. Thank you so very much for your outpouring of brachos and congradulations, it was much appreciated. Being so busy, I had no time to write and so much going on with my vort, my brother's bar Mitzvah, my brother getting engaged right after me, I have so much to thank Hashem that he has really given me so much simcha. I am back in Yeshiva until Peasach. It is going to be hard to be away from my Kalla for so long. I told her instead of getting me a watch she should come visit me. She promised me she would. There is so much more for me to focus on now, now that I am engaged. I don't need to focus on looking at women anymore, I don't need to date, I am a happy camper,now all I need to do is to study to be a good husband and earn a living. I am looking forward to raising children and being a loving spouse. Finding meaning in my learning and appreciating every obscure Daf of Gemarah is still a challenge. I don't know if I am cut out for learning in Kollel. I believe in order to get paid for Kollel one should e an outstanding Talmid Chacham and be involved in community matters, which I am not cut out to do. So, I still hang in balance as to what my next move will be after we get married. I need to earn a living but I am still undecided as to what contribution I can give to society with thousands of older and wiser people have been working on. I am still green at this. I daven that Hashem should give me a break through.


Blogger smb said...

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5:40 PM  
Blogger smb said...

I agree, enjoy this time.

I understand about worrying about the future. I think that whatever you do though, if you just keep trying, Hashem will help you.

By the way, I was at your vort. It was very nice. I saw your mother on shabbos somewhere and she invited me.

7:48 PM  
Blogger EN said...

EC- Thank you.

Lvnsm27- Thank you for the compliments. Interesting...I can't even being to guess who you might be.

11:36 PM  
Blogger Mata Hari said...

Finally - someone who actually thinks about what he's doing instead of just following the crowd.
Nice to hear so much happiness.
Very cool comment - asking her to visit instead of getting a watch.
so romantic. sigh.

11:03 AM  

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