Saturday, May 28, 2005

Shalom al Yisrael

Words on paper. What do they represent? Am I communicating what I think I am when I type out these words, or is every person understanding it differently? I am having serious doubts as to the usefulness of me blogging. I started blogging because it was interesting to read what goes on in other peoples minds, who knows what I would learn. I don't deny that I have learned a lot, but I am in doubt if it was worth all the negative information I have subconciously recieved. Reading what others wrote has a downside because of the possiblility of falseness and detrimental information that is not true and might cause me to think negatively. Does the gains outway the loses? I feel when I read other blogs and I comment on them that if they are me. I fantasize about being in another person situation or body. My wants are reflected in what others are living. I want too much or not enough. It is enought to drive a person insane. I believe any information I can get from reading blogs I can get from the Torah. My goal in life is to do the will of g-d which includes to be a happy person. And happiness can only come from within. Friends have told me I am starting of into space, and he suspects it is because of what I read in the blogs. I need a reality check. Reality and fantacy are merging into one. I want to live and not be a fake. If I be hurt, so be it. I must take the plunge. I believe this is what g-d wants of me. Although it is good to learn from everone, blogs are just words that conveys ideas and concepts that I can get from the true sourse, and the pleasure I get from reading into other peoples minds will have to come froma different hobby. it was fun being in blogland. But now it is time to get serious. I don't think that I could write anything of use to help someone that is outhtere. And if I ever decide to want to write something that could help someone I would write it in a book and publish it. I wonder if hashgacho protis also applies to finding the right blog to read at the right time. Honestly, I have no idea. Is there hashgocho in reading and the responses in the comments? If there is, I believe hashem will send the lessons I need to get from someone else. If I am doing it leshem shamaiyim. I want to give others helpful information. There are many ways. If I am mesupak if blogging is detrimental then hashem doesn't want me to go there. Do I know certainly? no, but I am going to give a try. I have nothing to lose except the pleasure of looking into someone elses mind/ideas. I have tried to quit before and it lasted a short while I hope I can keep it this time for longer. It is nice "meeting" other personalities in cyberspace, but do I learn so much that it should keep me ocuppied for hours at a time or could that time be spent on other useful things? My priorites are Torah and family. I pray to hashem I find them.


Blogger EN said...

Moiy-rah- sometimes I feel I want to escape because in my yeshiva there is not much I can do except read from sefarim,and most of it is not practical so it is hard to tie it into reality. Blogs seem to be real in the sense that there are real people with issues and delemas with the torah that I do not have. But since I am still searching myself it is hard to know if they are just corrupting me or is that what hashem wants and we must all search for the truth in our situations. Would my knowledge that I have aquired in yeshiva help them come closer to g-d or not, is a question I seem to grapple with constantly. It is hard enought to know what g-d wants from me than to know what he wants from other people. How to use what I learn from the sefarim into the reality and physical world is a tough job. It doesn't always seem to work smoothly. Writing down my thoughts seem to help somewhat but I am afraid I am just going around in circles.Thank you for your support and advice.

Survivor- Thanks for the tag. It is something I should definitally think about during my day.

2:37 PM  
Blogger EN said...

Thanks moiy-rah for the chizuk!

2:50 PM  

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