Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy- Go -Lucky

Why is it on Rosh Hashana the first thoughts of our prayers are directed to ask Hashem for money? "Please", we beg, "Just give us that high paying job so I can buy myself a pedicure, manicure, or new car. I will be forever greatful".
Which brings me to the question, which spouse is the cause for most of the financial problems in a marriage? Are the women the instigators or do the men, with their vices for fine wine and poker, bring upon the house a dark gloom?
Be what may, may God grant us this coming year HAPPINESS as well as the means to satisfy the tax collectors and the school tuition. Remember, as hard as it may be, to believe- that money isn't everything.


Blogger SemGirl said...

A Gemar Chasima Tovah. Hope you receive everything you davern for, especially a Shidduch..

9:47 AM  

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